On-Campus Housing

Miscellaneous Guidelines

Business Licenses | Guest | Insects, Rodents & Pest Control | Lawns & Planting

Business Licenses

The University is a private institution and does not allow residents to use apartment addresses for business purposes. You must submit a written request to the Housing Review Board for approval to obtain a Provo City business license, and, if approved, you will be required to obtain a Post Office box to receive correspondence. Supplies or materials cannot be stored in or distributed from the apartments. This policy applies to businesses such as Mary Kay®, Discovery Toys®, Tupperware®, Pampered Chef®, day care, tutoring, music lessons, and any other form of business.


Residents must abide by the following guidelines regarding guests:

Insects, Rodents & Pest Control

After you have made every effort to solve an insect or pest infestation, if the problem persists, contact Auxiliary Maintenance personnel at 801-422-4411. They will arrange assistance from a professional company that comes once a week.

Lawns & Planting

The University Physical Plant is responsible for landscaping, planting, and maintaining the grounds at Student Family Housing. Residents are not permitted to plant flowers, shrubs, vegetables, etc. around their individual apartments. Small potted plants may be placed on balconies or landings, provided they sit on the ground. Plants may not hang outward over the balcony or landing railings.

The BYU Grounds Department will mow and trim lawns on a weekly rotation basis. Please take extra care to make certain your family's toys, bicycles, etc. are removed from the lawn area.

Do not engage in any activities that would harm the landscaping. Cars, trailers, trucks, etc. are not to be driven on the lawn areas at any time. Golf practice is not allowed in the housing area at any time.